Tuesday, July 31, 2012

5 TV Shows From the ’80s That Should Get Rebooted After the He-Man Movie


5 TV Shows From the '80s That Should Get Rebooted After the He-Man Movie | Underwire | Wired.com http://buff.ly/OAv7Lo

July 31, 2012 at 04:39PM

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes! I would thank you individually, but FB has made that almost impossible when there are that many :D It has been a great day/week and I truly cherish ALL of my friends and family!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Florida Officials Make Grading Calculation Error | Education News


Florida Officials Make Grading Calculation Error | Education News http://buff.ly/M2JUMq

When Firing Bad Teachers Isn't an Option, Train Them Instead | Education News


When Firing Bad Teachers Isn't an Option, Train Them Instead | Education News http://buff.ly/M2JQfD

New Study Shows Merit Pay System for Teachers Works | Education News


New Study Shows Merit Pay System for Teachers Works | Education News http://buff.ly/OrUMWj

Coral could hold key to sunscreen


BBC News - Coral could hold key to sunscreen pill http://buff.ly/oBe4YU

Breakthrough treatment reduces post-surgical scarring for glaucoma patients


Breakthrough treatment reduces post-surgical scarring for glaucoma patients http://buff.ly/M2JsOd

Future of California high-speed rail looks green


Future of California high-speed rail looks green http://buff.ly/Q1eefE

The longer you're awake, the slower you get


The longer you're awake, the slower you get http://buff.ly/OrUBKD

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Protective role of skin microbiota described


Protective role of skin microbiota described http://buff.ly/Or5Ini

Lucid dreamers help scientists locate the seat of meta-consciousness in the brain


Lucid dreamers help scientists locate the seat of meta-consciousness in the brain http://buff.ly/OvAiw6

Scientists use microbes to make 'clean' methane


Scientists use microbes to make 'clean' methane http://buff.ly/MRgDbG

Olympic Archers Target Better Gear for Straight Shots | Playbook | Wired.com


Olympic Archers Target Better Gear for Straight Shots | Playbook | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Q1dSWc

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012 at 10:08AM

Coffee...check Breakfast...check Hyper-Insane kids...CHECK Let's Roll

July 28, 2012 at 10:04AM

So, from reading all the posts about PERSONAL beliefs, it seems that disagreement equals hatred. Sad

Friday, July 27, 2012

GM testing pedestrian detection system powered by WiFi Direct (video)


Chattanooga has a great test case for this.... http://buff.ly/OsinGx

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ATM skimmers that fit in the card-slot


ATM skimmers that fit in the card-slot - Boing Boing http://buff.ly/LLdx9M

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stalkbook lets you view information about a Facebook user even if you don’t know them


Stalkbook....as if you don't want to use this :D

VMware Pays $1.26B for the Future of Networking


VMware Pays $1.26B for the Future of Networking | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/PCasZZ

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chrome 21 Adds New Drag-and-Drop Tricks | Webmonkey | Wired.com


Chrome 21 Adds New Drag-and-Drop Tricks | Webmonkey | Wired.com http://buff.ly/PCap0l

Fake jellyfish made from rat cells have a place in our hearts (video)


Fake jellyfish made from rat cells have a place in our hearts (video) -- Engadget http://buff.ly/PCan8D

Researcher releases smart meter hacking tool


Researcher releases smart meter hacking tool - Computerworld http://buff.ly/PAfFBr

Top 10 DIY Miracles You Can Accomplish with a $1 Binder Clip


Top 10 DIY Miracles You Can Accomplish with a $1 Binder Clip http://buff.ly/LEL1Xa

July 23, 2012 at 02:22PM

Funny video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NJFgWA8odBM#!

Russian hacker's App Store fraud site adds Mac support


Russian hacker’s App Store fraud site adds Mac support | Naked Security http://buff.ly/LFnBwl

Diamond in the rough: Half-century puzzle solved


Diamond in the rough: Half-century puzzle solved http://buff.ly/LFnAZ2

Behold, the artificial jellyfish: Researchers create moving model, using silicone polymer and heart muscle cells


Behold, the artificial jellyfish: Researchers create moving model, using silicone polymer and heart muscle cells http://buff.ly/PxZyEt

Sunday, July 22, 2012

U.S. Admits Surveillance Violated Constitution At Least Once | Danger Room | Wired.com


U.S. Admits Surveillance Violated Constitution At Least Once | Danger Room | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Pp5nAI

Deep Inside a Facebook Hackathon, Where the Future of Social Media Begins


Deep Inside a Facebook Hackathon, Where the Future of Social Media Begins | Gadget Lab | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LzGrVq

Mesmerizing Videos of Northern and Southern Lights Seen From Space


Mesmerizing Videos of Northern and Southern Lights Seen From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/NHOjWL

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity


Highly transparent solar cells for windows that generate electricity http://buff.ly/LAXBSP

Obama Administration Waives Welfare Work Requirement (Click to Read)


Any hiring for bed rest or hula hooping? Silly me, I never thought those would be valid jobs. So much for trying...

Microsoft Adds 'Big Boobs' to Linux Kernel | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com


Microsoft Adds 'Big Boobs' to Linux Kernel | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/NH1yXN

Darpa Funds Hack Machine You’d Never Notice


Darpa Funds Hack Machine You'd Never Notice | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Psk5KI

Interactive Player Piano Will Take Your Twitter Request for ‘Call Me Maybe’


Interactive Player Piano Will Take Your Twitter Request for 'Call Me Maybe' | Underwire | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LyOz8F

Friday, July 20, 2012

New ultracapacitor delivers a jolt of energy at a constant voltage


New ultracapacitor delivers a jolt of energy at a constant voltage http://buff.ly/PpSdXA

How does fat influence flavor perception?


How does fat influence flavor perception? http://buff.ly/NEqjDL

Scientists read monkeys' inner thoughts: Brain activity decoded while monkeys avoid obstacle to touch target


Scientists read monkeys' inner thoughts: Brain activity decoded while monkeys avoid obstacle to touch target http://buff.ly/Lx6XPg

You may never need to clean your car again, thanks to new coating technology


You may never need to clean your car again, thanks to new coating technology http://buff.ly/PpS7iM

This Antagonist Binds to Our Pleasure Receptors | Autopia | Wired.com


This Antagonist Binds to Our Pleasure Receptors | Autopia | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Lx6TPG

Robo-Cams at the Olympic Games Make Human Photogs Sweat


Robo-Cams at the Olympic Games Make Human Photogs Sweat | Raw File | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Lx6RHt

Unlock Your Inner Rain Man by Electrically Zapping Your Brain


Unlock Your Inner Rain Man by Electrically Zapping Your Brain | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Lx6TiB

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Behold the Amazing Shapeshifting Mimic Octopus!


Behold the Amazing Shapeshifting Mimic Octopus! : TreeHugger http://buff.ly/LvjmTY

TN: Report on Teacher Evaluation System Recommends Changes | Education News


TN: Report on Teacher Evaluation System Recommends Changes | Education News http://buff.ly/Lv78dY

Mechanisms that allow embryonic stem cells to become any cell in the human body identified


Mechanisms that allow embryonic stem cells to become any cell in the human body identified http://buff.ly/LyKohL

Oral immunotherapy shows promise as treatment for egg allergy


Oral immunotherapy shows promise as treatment for egg allergy http://buff.ly/Pmck93

Justice Department Sues Telecom for Challenging National Security Letter | Threat Level | Wired.com


Justice Department Sues Telecom for Challenging National Security Letter | Threat Level | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LzwMTy

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Power Company Chokes Your Electricity During Heat Waves—Protect Your Gear


The Power Company Chokes Your Electricity During Heat Waves—Protect Your Gear http://buff.ly/O3X0Lu

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If All Dads Laid Down the Law Like This, There Would Be No Skinny Jeans!


If All Dads Laid Down the Law Like This, There Would Be No Skinny Jeans! - Cheezburger - BETA http://buff.ly/M3hkvF

Geoengineering Could Backfire, Make Climate Change Worse


Geoengineering Could Backfire, Make Climate Change Worse | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/M3djrh

Discovery of chemical that affects biological clock offers new way to treat diabetes


Discovery of chemical that affects biological clock offers new way to treat diabetes http://buff.ly/LSMjdZ

Vaccines backfire: Veterinary vaccines found to combine into new infectious viruses


Vaccines backfire: Veterinary vaccines found to combine into new infectious viruses http://buff.ly/Lmwa3C

Messy experiment cleans up cornstarch and water mystery


Messy experiment cleans up cornstarch and water mystery http://buff.ly/MllH9V

Controlling your computer with your eyes


Controlling your computer with your eyes http://buff.ly/LlUen8

Monday, July 16, 2012

Mechanical engineers develop an 'intelligent co-pilot' for cars


Mechanical engineers develop an 'intelligent co-pilot' for cars http://buff.ly/LrCSVT

Judge Declines to Intervene as NYC Teachers Get Jobs Back | Education News


Judge Declines to Intervene as NYC Teachers Get Jobs Back | Education News http://buff.ly/Mta5Sn

Many Students Unprepared for High School Math | Education News


Many Students Unprepared for High School Math | Education News http://buff.ly/LZhqVh

Tim Magner Outlines Vision for Modern Science Classrooms | Education News


Tim Magner Outlines Vision for Modern Science Classrooms | Education News http://buff.ly/M2JiHW

Par:AnoIA: Anonymous Launches WikiLeaks-esque Site for Data Dumps | Threat Level | Wired.com


Par:AnoIA: Anonymous Launches WikiLeaks-esque Site for Data Dumps | Threat Level | Wired.com http://buff.ly/NBOQeP

Help NASA Find the Alphabet… From Space


Help NASA Find the Alphabet... From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Mta00U

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Nonprofits decrease in Chattanooga


Nonprofits decrease in Chattanooga - WRCBtv.com | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports http://buff.ly/OFCCPH

SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids


SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids http://buff.ly/v38kkL

Friday, July 13, 2012

To protect your camera equipment, fly with a pistol... | Pixiq


To protect your camera equipment, fly with a pistol... | Pixiq http://buff.ly/OuY9e4

Think Tank Claims Students Think School is Too Easy - Is It? | Education News


Think Tank Claims Students Think School is Too Easy - Is It? | Education News http://buff.ly/LUoh27

Experts Fail to Explain Texas Special Needs Decline | Education News


Experts Fail to Explain Texas Special Needs Decline | Education News http://buff.ly/LUoemT

Amazing Alex: Hands On with Rovio's Newest Game That Isn't Angry Birds | Gadget Lab | Wired.com


Amazing Alex: Hands On with Rovio's Newest Game That Isn't Angry Birds | Gadget Lab | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LUoana

NASA Johnson Space Center’s Shuttle II (1988)


NASA Johnson Space Center's Shuttle II (1988) | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LRpg3g

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nikon 800mm f/5.6 lens announced


Just to let you know, my birthday is coming up :D Nikon 800mm f/5.6 lens announced | Nikon Rumors http://buff.ly/Mk1x09

Carnegie Mellon scientists invent headlights that make rain, snow "disappear"


Carnegie Mellon scientists invent headlights that make rain, snow "disappear" http://buff.ly/OxJmiC

UN arms treaty could put U.S. gun owners in foreign sights, say critics


UN arms treaty could put U.S. gun owners in foreign sights, say critics | Fox News http://buff.ly/MivFJb

Vaccine and antibiotics stabilized so refrigeration is not needed


Vaccine and antibiotics stabilized so refrigeration is not needed http://buff.ly/LOYEQo

July 12, 2012 at 10:16AM

Fair Tax? IRS figures show the top 1 percent of earners take home 16.9 percent of the nation's total income, but pay 36.7 percent of the nation's income taxes. The top 5 percent take home a little more than 31 percent of total income but pay almost 59 percent of all income taxes. And the top 10 percent earn just over 43 percent of the total income but pay more than 70 percent of all income taxes.

Tiny magnetic particles may help assess heart treatments


Tiny magnetic particles may help assess heart treatments http://buff.ly/LOYEjg

Silver nanoparticle synthesis using strawberry tree leaf


Silver nanoparticle synthesis using strawberry tree leaf http://buff.ly/LOYGYz

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Early-life exposure to PCE, chemical in drinking water, may affect vision, study finds


Early-life exposure to PCE, chemical in drinking water, may affect vision, study finds http://buff.ly/LOYDvJ

Greater diet-induced obesity in rats consuming sugar solution during the inactive period


Greater diet-induced obesity in rats consuming sugar solution during the inactive period http://buff.ly/MhP8cV

More than Half of States Now Have, Awaiting NCLB Waivers | Education News


More than Half of States Now Have, Awaiting NCLB Waivers | Education News http://buff.ly/LOCHRi

Wind-Powered Vehicle Can Also Travel Upwind Faster Than the Wind


Wind-Powered Vehicle Can Also Travel Upwind Faster Than the Wind | Autopia | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LOwLYt

Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away


Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away http://buff.ly/RW52Zg

Land Rover Defender XTech Special Edition looks even more formidable


Land Rover Defender XTech Special Edition looks even more formidable http://buff.ly/RXA6rz

July 4th fireworks fiasco in San Diego? Computer virus gets the blame


July 4th fireworks fiasco in San Diego? Computer virus gets the blame | Naked Security http://buff.ly/RX12Yy

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bank's shoddy security was to blame for $588,851 online robbery, US appeals court rules


Bank’s shoddy security was to blame for $588,851 online robbery, US appeals court rules | Naked Security http://buff.ly/RX0HoS

Cintiq 24HD touch | Wacom Americas


Do Want! This is quite an upgrade. Cintiq 24HD touch | Wacom Americas http://buff.ly/RVXHcn

Dr. Livingstone, I Presume? Do You Have an Outlet I Might Use?


An electric vehicle driven 4,800k km across East Africa. http://buff.ly/RSoAO8

Report: Next Kindle Fire Will Look Better, Weigh Less


Report: Next Kindle Fire Will Look Better, Weigh Less | Gadget Lab | Wired.com http://buff.ly/RRD7tC

The Data Sutra | My[confined]Space


The Data Sutra | My[confined]Space http://buff.ly/PGjLdz

The Not-So-Perfect Kilogram and Why the Metric System Might Be Screwed - Mental Floss


The Not-So-Perfect Kilogram and Why the Metric System Might Be Screwed - Mental Floss http://buff.ly/RzXhYS

New NASA spaceship arrives in Florida for test flight


New NASA spaceship arrives in Florida for test flight | Reuters http://buff.ly/OnwSKk

Monday, July 9, 2012

Inventions: The Piano That Tunes Itself


The Piano That Tunes Itself | Popular Science http://buff.ly/OnvIi4

Graphene Sheets Can Be Turned Into the Best Filters Ever, For Desalination and Much More


Graphene Sheets Can Be Turned Into the Best Filters Ever, For Desalination and Much More | Popular Science http://buff.ly/PziHrU

Mosquitoes Remade - Science News


Mosquitoes Remade - Science News http://buff.ly/LoEEDK

Hurt Blocker - Science News


Hurt Blocker - Science News http://buff.ly/NewikO

New War on Invasive Nutria in Delmarva Marshlands


New War on Invasive Nutria in Delmarva Marshlands http://buff.ly/Onv5oO

Apocalypse, Not So Fast - Science News


Apocalypse, Not So Fast - Science News http://buff.ly/PCfLea

"Call Me Maybe" death metal version.


FUNNY "Call Me Maybe" death metal version. [VIDEO] http://buff.ly/PFD9HA

Distance Learning Professional Degrees on the Increase | Education News


Distance Learning Professional Degrees on the Increase | Education News http://buff.ly/OnuByU

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spray-on Rechargeable Batteries Could Store Energy Anywhere | Wired Science | Wired.com


Spray-on Rechargeable Batteries Could Store Energy Anywhere | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LfGXxE

Algae extract increases good cholesterol levels, research finds


Algae extract increases good cholesterol levels, research finds http://buff.ly/PuI7ab

Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours


Keeping the flu away: Synthetic protein activates immune system within two hours http://buff.ly/PuHux6

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Printing living tissues: 3-D printed vascular networks made of sugar


Printing living tissues: 3-D printed vascular networks made of sugar http://buff.ly/Oj7Fk8

Robot vision: Muscle-like action allows camera to mimic eye movement


Robot vision: Muscle-like action allows camera to mimic eye movement http://buff.ly/N8S4Cx

How Fire Could Change the Face of the West | Wired Science | Wired.com


How Fire Could Change the Face of the West | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/RB5fBc

July 07, 2012 at 05:13PM

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and to kick @**, and I'm all out of bubblegum." hehe

DNS Changer - how not to lose your internet connection on July 9 [VIDEO]


DNS Changer – how not to lose your internet connection on July 9 [VIDEO] | Naked Security http://buff.ly/OyS43I

July 07, 2012 at 04:53PM

Nothing quite like a great movie starring Roddy Piper :D Love action movies from the 80's.

Apple dropped NFC mobile payment plans due to battery and adoption concerns, says WSJ


Apple dropped NFC mobile payment plans due to battery and adoption concerns, says WSJ | The Verge http://buff.ly/NcBWAb

Wireless power: Japanese researchers transmit through 10cm of concrete


Wireless power: Japanese researchers transmit through 10cm of concrete | The Verge http://buff.ly/RtywgQ

Giddyup, Robot Doggies! Autonomous Soldiers Square Off at Army Robotics Rodeo | Danger Room | Wired.com


Giddyup, Robot Doggies! Autonomous Soldiers Square Off at Army Robotics Rodeo | Danger Room | Wired.com http://buff.ly/NcMAXx

Drone Hijacking? That’s Just the Start of GPS Troubles


Drone Hijacking? That's Just the Start of GPS Troubles | Danger Room | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Ozhluv

Friday, July 6, 2012

Windows Server 2012 pares back to four versions, looks to give small businesses more bang for the buck


Windows Server 2012 pares back to four versions, looks to give small businesses more bang for the buck -- Engadget http://buff.ly/RlEkJi

Video: 40+ Questions to Test Out Google’s New Voice Search – Droid Life


Video: 40+ Questions to Test Out Google’s New Voice Search – Droid Life http://buff.ly/LkrPis

Nikon to announce a new AF-S 800mm f/5.6 VR lens


Nikon to announce a new AF-S 800mm f/5.6 VR lens | Nikon Rumors http://buff.ly/Pj0qiq

Fury after Facebook messes up smartphone users' address books


Fury after Facebook messes up smartphone users’ address books | Naked Security http://buff.ly/MQyKyf

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Need a debit card? Twitter account exposes photos of debit and credit cards


Need a debit card? Twitter account exposes photos of debit and credit cards | Naked Security http://buff.ly/N7pOQI

Online Schools in Ohio Compete for Students | Education News


Online Schools in Ohio Compete for Students | Education News http://buff.ly/RjarJO

The Classic, Beautiful and Controversial Books That Changed Science Forever | Wired Science | Wired.com


The Classic, Beautiful and Controversial Books That Changed Science Forever | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/PiZpa3

New Videogame Lets Amateur Researchers Mess With RNA


New Videogame Lets Amateur Researchers Mess With RNA | Wired Science | Wired.com http://buff.ly/OtjvMj

Blaming the Brain for Chronic Back Pain - ScienceNOW


Blaming the Brain for Chronic Back Pain - ScienceNOW http://buff.ly/N7JAM0

No show stoppers for concentrating solar power


No show stoppers for concentrating solar power http://buff.ly/N7JyUs

Printable, electrically conductive gel with unprecedented electrical performance synthesized


Printable, electrically conductive gel with unprecedented electrical performance synthesized http://buff.ly/OqrrOc

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Amazon Blames Generators for Blackout That Crushed Netflix | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com


Amazon Blames Generators for Blackout That Crushed Netflix | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Old3a7

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of ‘Compute Engine’


Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'Compute Engine' | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Op3CGH

Android Director: ‘We Have the First Natural-Sounding Synthesized Voice in the World’


Android Director: 'We Have the First Natural-Sounding Synthesized Voice in the World' | Gadget Lab | Wired.com http://buff.ly/Rbzn5W

BlueCross customers may lose care at Memorial


Will Erlanger cash in on this? Stay tuned... BlueCross customers may lose care at Memorial - http://buff.ly/N6kux7

Aim High: 10 of the World's Most Impressive Paper Planes | Wired Design | Wired.com


Aim High: 10 of the World's Most Impressive Paper Planes | Wired Design | Wired.com http://buff.ly/N6haSN

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Android phones automatically connect to Wi-Fi hotspsots with new platform


Android phones automatically connect to Wi-Fi hotspsots with new platform http://buff.ly/OkEcde

Why The Smartest People Often Make The Worst Decisions


Why Smart People Lack Common Sense - Business Insider http://buff.ly/LOwNOm

July 03, 2012 at 07:47PM

Reading some local news....it seems like the White Cross I love so much doesn't mean much to others who should love it as well. I wouldn't take a case that went against something I promised to hold dear. Wow

'Nutritional' pizzas developed


BBC News - Scottish team develops 'nutritional’ pizzas http://buff.ly/MmqqYr

The Leader's Guide to 21st Century Education | Education News


The Leader's Guide to 21st Century Education | Education News http://buff.ly/LSBtJj

July 03, 2012 at 01:44PM

Seriously, appointment for 1 pm and it is 1:44 and nothing. I see that all doctor offices practice this type of scheduling.

July 03, 2012 at 01:06PM

Surrounded by estrogen

Cisco’s cloud vision: Mandatory, monetized, and killed at their discretion | ExtremeTech


Cisco’s cloud vision: Mandatory, monetized, and killed at their discretion | ExtremeTech http://buff.ly/LiOwnf

Advice On How To Use Caffeine—From A Neuroscientist


Advice On How To Use Caffeine—From A Neuroscientist - Business Insider http://buff.ly/LI7kKN

Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia | Wired.com


Author Claims Electric Vehicles Are a Green Illusion | Autopia | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LOh6GM

Monday, July 2, 2012

TechCrunch | Google Pumps Up Jelly Bean’s Face Unlock Feature With A New ‘Liveness Check’TechCrunch


Google Pumps Up Jelly Bean’s Face Unlock Feature With A New ‘Liveness Check’ | TechCrunch http://buff.ly/MdjEnS

July 2, 1928: America’s First TV Station Goes on the Air


July 2, 1928: America's First TV Station Goes on the Air | This Day In Tech | Wired.com http://buff.ly/LRV1NS

'Leap Second' Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com


'Leap Second' Bug Wreaks Havoc Across Web | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com http://buff.ly/QM9rgU

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 01, 2012 at 07:23PM

Hixson is a curse on any restaurant. RIP Fuji. (At least their level of service)

Review: Logitech Ultrathin iPad Keyboard Cover will kickstart your transition from consumption to creation


Review: Logitech Ultrathin iPad Keyboard Cover will kickstart your transition from consumption to creation http://buff.ly/LIagHg

Clothing the body electric: Cotton T-shirt fabric can store electricity, maybe keep your cell phone charged


Clothing the body electric: Cotton T-shirt fabric can store electricity, maybe keep your cell phone charged http://buff.ly/LMxWMr