Tuesday, June 12, 2012

iOS 6 Beta on New iPad (Verizon 4g)

After the WWDC yesterday, I decided to login to the developers portal at Apple and download the beta of iOS6.  Downloading was the easiest part of it.  After the lengthy download, I upgraded my iTunes and sat down to test this thing out.  The update seemed to go flawlessly.  It booted to the new screen and asked for my language, location, wireless network info, and then tried to activate.  NOPE! No Activation for you!

I sat there for a bit, puzzled.  Then I remembered....I hadn't added my device to my account for development.  Just my old iPad was on there.  So, I logged in and added the 40 character device ID for my iPad and clicked save.  Then I restated the activation process.  NOPE! No Activation for you!

Ok, I know it is listed as a device on their developer network under my account.  I saw it!  I logged back in to check.  Yep, it was still there.  Listed like it should be.  I tried and tried again.  NOPE!  I can only assume that there might have been a few other folks trying this out as well :D

I did a quick Google search, and there they were.......all the other folks stuck in Activation limbo with me.  So I waited a bit more.  Later, I was at home and my youngest son kept asking to play with my iPad.  I kept telling him that it was "busy" and he would have to wait.  Five year old kids don't fully understand, nor care about such things.  So, finally I decided to show him that it wasn't working.  I try to activate the iPad, and voila, it does.

I pull down my backup from iCloud over my iWireless connected to my iRouter using the iInternet (Seriously, an "i" in front of everything gets old).  Reboot, wait...........wait..............wait.............Ready!  Time to play.

The first thing I try, of course, is Siri.  I have to say, pretty nice.  I can see me using this in the car.  I don't know about in the coffee shop in line though.  It just seems awkward to be talking to your device with people around.  Maybe it is just me.

Next.........the new (non-Google) Maps app.  Loads up.....the first thing I notice.........all the jagged lines.  Everything looks like the old MS Paint Line tool until you zoom in.  Nothing around Chattanooga is 3d, so I had to go look at San Francisco.  That was pretty neat.  It is OK, but definitively needs some polish.  Google Maps is still much better in my opinion.

Deep Facebook Integration (AKA FB can talk to contacts and the OS)  meh, so far, no big game changer here.  It works, it is seamless, and hasn't blown anything up.

Safari Tabs in the iCloud........I have that on my other Android tablet and phone with Chrome.

Noticed some issues with Newsstand downloading the newest editions of Engadget's Distro.  Had to delete them and try again.  Oh well, no biggie.

I'm still playing around with it today and will update later.  So far, nice upgrade, but it isn't anything to go nuts over.

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